Ocean Swell Ventures, LLC recently purchased the former Fishing Vessel Milo with the purpose to explore, discover, and access the unlimited surf and adventure potential of Alaska’s 34,000 miles of coastline. The M/V Milo is a 58’ Alaskan “limit” Seiner design, originally built to withstand the rigors of fishing the North Pacific Ocean. Ocean Swell Ventures began the process of relocating the vessel from the San Francisco Bay area to Homer, Alaska in December of 2009. During this “maiden” voyage, the M/V Milo more than proved her superior sea keeping abilities while also showing a knack of finding isolated surf locations for the crew’s enjoyment.
The M/V Milo is currently “on the hard” in Puget Sound receiving bottom maintenance, and is scheduled to depart for Sitka in the spring of 2010.In the fall of 2010 plans call for the adventure to resume as we travel the coast to Homer, stopping at known surf destinations and seeking out new. The refit and refurbishment of the M/V Milo will then take place in Homer, transforming the vessel into the premier wave and coastal exploration platform in Alaska. When ready (expecting to be the fall of 2011), we will welcome fellow adventure seekers to join us in this exciting quest. Please check back for updates to be posted in the “Ships (B)log”. In the meantime you can stay up to date and be a part of the Alaskan Surf scene by checking out incredible sites such as SurfAlaska.net and IcyWaves.com
Author: osv
Making a Dream