Check out this fun story from Christian Beamish, who accompanied the Malloy brothers, Chris and Keith, as well as some other excellent surfers, on a recent mission into the gulf. Photos by Chris Burkard (stay tuned for some video to come from Scott).

This was one of our best trips to date- everything came together with little effort and while we didn’t score huge waves we had some excellent surf and equally excellent fishing and eating. Not to mention excellent weather. And company!
Check out the rest of the story here.
Ready to start planning your own Alaskan Surf Adventure? The most important ingredient is initiative as our friends Josh and John from San Diego (the impetus for this trip) found out. Along the line of ‘build it and they will come’ Josh and John made this trip happen. You can do the same.
A reminder of the best way to get your adventure started (and exactly what Josh and John did): Get a group together and contact us to iron out the details for your dream trip and reserve your dates. Not sure where you want to go? No worries, just tell us what you’d like to do, what your skill level is and what time frame you are looking at. We’ll work with you to create an itinerary to make the most of your trip. If you don’t have a full crew we’ll work to fill the trip and keep expenses low for you.
Who knows who you might end up surfing with.