Surf Homer to Seward

Aboard the M/V Milo

August 16-20th, 2012

We have spots for five lucky surfers to join us: We will depart from Homer on the evening of August 16th, surf our way through the Kenai Fiords and pull into the Seward harbor early on August 20th.

We have been loving this bit of coastline and have it pretty dialed in. Surf our favorite wave discoveries along this wild bit of coastline, depending on what the swell and weather have to offer. Even a beginner can have fun on this trip but we’ll be looking for the best waves we can find too. There is also plenty of flat water SUP-ing potential, fishing, exploring, hiking and berry picking as time, weather and wishes come together.

What it costs: Three full days for $900.  Includes all meals + accommodations on the Milo. Remember this is an ex-commercial fishing vessel so it is not luxury but you’ll be warm and very comfortable and we eat really well!

BYOB. Be sure to read all the goods at

What you need: an adventurous attitude! Bring your gear for water sports and playing in Alaska. We have lots if you are missing something here or there. Need everything? Let us know and we can get you set up for a reasonable rental fee.

This is some of the most amazing coastline in Alaska. Mountains, glaciers, fiords, whales, seals, and more. Scenery you won’t believe.

Need a little more inspiration? Check out this episode of Brothers on the Run from this very same itinerary aboard the M/V Milo this spring.

We know you don’t want to miss out on this trip. The spots will fill first come, first served so pay your deposit now. Of course you will get a full refund if you were too late. We’re out on the water now so don’t expect a prompt reply but start packing anyway!

Come on and join us. You’ll absolutely have a trip that you’ll never forget.

Deposit for Augst 16-20 Surf Trip